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the Lek Trek Website!
Why we need the Lek Trek
How the Lek Trek Works
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Lek Trek Special Events
Photo gallery of Missouri prairie
The Missouri Grasslands Coalition
Contact the Lek Trek Team
Where to see prairies
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the Lek Trek works
The Lek Trek is a walk across Missouri, a distance of about 565 miles,
through the best of what is left of Missouri's tallgrass prairie. "Lek"
is another name for the courtship grounds of the greater prairie-chicken,
which has been adopted as the campaign's mascot. The walk will begin at
the Iowa state line near Hatfield on July 21, 2000 and end at Prairie
State Park, near Lamar, on October 14, 2000. A second group of walkers
will begin at the Arkansas line near Southwest City on September 22, and
meet the north group at Prairie State Park on October 14.
The Lek Trek will travel through sixteen communities and/or public prairies,
at which special events are being planned. These events will occur on
successive weekends and will typically be arranged around the arrival
of the walkers. Lek Trek organizers are working with Grasslands Coalition
members, Chambers of Commerce and other organizations to develop fun and
interesting festivities that highlight the values of grasslands while
creating a memorable experience for participants.
The Lek Trek route is divided into sixteen week-long segments. Each has
a team of route volunteers that plans where the walkers will start and
stop each day, attractions they will take time for along the way, and
logistics such as meals, shuttles and overnight spots.
Most of the route will be walked by a small core of Grasslands Coalition
volunteers, but the public can join in frequently. Each week will feature
two public walk days, on which everyone will be invited to join the march.
Focusing most of the walkers on two days will reduce the logistical concerns
for route managers. However, those who wish to participate in the walk
may do so on any day, if they are registered. You can register
One of these weekly focus days is the Learner Day. It will be held during
the week, at the discretion of the route planners, on a stretch of the
route that lends itself well to learning about prairie plants or grassland
birds and other wildlife. On Learner Days, the Grasslands Coalition will
provide naturalists who will share with walkers their knowledge of prairie
species and prairie ecology. Lek Trek organizers will encourage schools,
environmental groups, scout groups and anyone else with an interest in
grassland ecology to take advantage of the opportunity to use the Lek
Trek as an outdoor classroom on these days.
The second weekly focus is the Public Walk Day. Typically, these will
occur on the Saturday of the special event for that week. Walkers will
begin a tour of 3 to 5 miles, ending at the site of the special event.