Call for Contributed
Papers and Posters
The Natural Areas Association, the Missouri Department of
Conservation and the Missouri Natural Areas Committee will
be hosting the 27th Annual Natural Areas Conference in St.
Louis, Missouri, October 16-20, 2000. The meeting will include
plenary sessions, contributed papers, and posters. Papers
and posters will be accepted based on their technical merit
and contribution to our knowledge of species, populations,
communities, ecological processes, management practices, education
models and research techniques.
All orally contributed papers will be scheduled for 20 minutes
with an additional 10 minutes for questions and discussions.
Equipment will be available for 35mm slide presentations only.
No overhead or video presentations will be allowed. We
urge participants to consider presentation of their work as
posters. These provide good opportunities for the presenters
to interact in more detail with attendees. Posters will be
on display for two full days, and authors are requested to
attend their posters during a two-hour poster session. Posters
will be displayed on boards 4 feet high x 8 feet wide.
Paper and poster submissions must follow all instructions
given in this Call for Papers and Posters. Submission
of abstracts may be done by mail or electronically, but all
abstracts must be received by May 5, 2000. Late abstracts
will be considered only if space is available.
Instructions for Preparing Abstracts
Prepare an abstract according to the following requirements
(see sample below):
Single-space and left-justify all lines.
Do not use hard returns. Do not hyphenate words at the ends
of lines.
Abstract citation must include name of author(s),
title of paper/poster and addresses of author(s). Capitalize
and bold all author names and use the full first name and
middle initial of all authors. With multiple addresses, place
the initials of the corresponding author in parentheses at
the end of each address.
Skip one line between citation and abstract
Abstract text should include a statement
of the objectives, principle results and conclusions. Include
scientific names in abstract text. The entire abstract, including
the citation, should be no longer than 300 words.
Proper grammar, standard format and educational
content will be considered in the review of abstracts. Any
abstract not following submission guidelines will be rejected.
Accepted abstracts will be edited and provided to conference
Sample Abstract
Leary, Alan W., Rosemary S. Mazaika, and Marc J. Bechard.
Foraging activity, prey size selection, and home ranges of
ferruginous hawks in south central Washington. Department
of Biology, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725. (AWL
and MJB). Battelle Pacific Northwest laboratory, Portland,
OR 97232. (RSM).
Ferruginous hawks (Buteo regalis) are listed as threatened
in the state of Washington. A large proportion of the state's
populations nests on the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford
Site in south central Washington. We used radio-telemetry
to study the movements and foraging activities of adult male
ferruginous hawks nesting on and adjacent to the Hanford Site
from May through August of 1994 and 1995. Males were selected
because they do most of the foraging for the family during
brood-rearing. Males were tracked during all daylight hours
to determine foraging areas, peak foraging times, and size
of their home range. Observations were also recorded at nest
sites during all daylight hours to determine the number and
size of prey delivered, times of deliveries and distance prey
was carried to nest sites. Home ranges were similar for males
nesting on and off the Hanford Site and were similar to those
reported for ferruginous hawks in other states. Males nesting
both on and off the forest used agricultural fields...
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
Abstracts may be submitted by mail or electronically. To
submit an abstract by mail, send the completed abstract submittal
form after downloading the Adobe .pdf,
printing it out, and completing it, two (2) unfolded copies
as well as the abstract on a 3.5" diskette formatted
for an IBM PC. Do not include formatting, fonts, graphics
or other codes. Use WordPerfect or Word for Windows. Use a
Times Roman or Similar font, 10 point size, with one-inch
left and right margins. Send the above materials to:
Kate Leary, Conference Coordinator
Missouri Department of Conservation
P.O. Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180
To electronically submit, utilize the form at the bottom
of the page. Late abstracts will be considered only if space
is available.
Notice of Abstract Receipt and Acceptance
A notice of receipt will be sent to the corresponding author
by email. If you do not receive notification of receipt within
seven working days, please contact Kate leary at
Notice of acceptance of contributed papers and posters will
be completed by May 31, 2000. Further guidelines and information
will accompany the notification of acceptance.
Registration and Preliminary Program
The Registration Packet and Preliminary Program will
be mailed to all members of the Natural Areas Association
and will be posted on this website in late May. Authors who
are not members of the Natural Areas Association and want
to receive a copy by mail should fax (573-526-5582) or email
their names and mailing address by may 31, 2000. All authors/presenters
attending the conference MUST register and pay the appropriate
conference registration fee.
Write in below the session topic most appropriate
for your oral presentation: